Kate Newby

b. Aotearoa New Zealand


Hours in wind, curated by Jane Devery, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Sydney
greet strangers, Cibrián, San Sebastián
Live near friends, Fine Arts, Sydney
WHO IS THIS SONG?, Cooper Cole, Toronto
anything, anything, curated by Juliane Bischoff, Klosterruine, Berlin
Very active weather, KAYOKOYUKI, Tokyo

miles off road, Fine Arts, Sydney
What a great year for music, Marfa Book Co., Marfa, TX
Had us running with you, Michael Lett, 3 East St, Auckland

So close,come on, The Sunday Painter, London
We are such stuff, Laurel Gitlen, NY
Feel Noise, curated by MacKenzie Stevens, testsite, Austin
Try doing anything without it, Art : Concept, Paris

COLD WATER, Fine Arts, Sydney
YES TOMORROW, curated by Christina Barton, Adam Art Gallery Te Pātaka Toi, Wellington

As far as you can, Feuilleton, Los Angeles

Bring Everyone, Fine Arts, Sydney
Loved like a sunbeam, Madragoa, Lisbon
Nothing in my life feels big enough, Cooper Cole, Toronto
Wild was the night, Institut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne
A puzzling light and moving. (Part II and Part III), lumber room, Portland, OR

Nothing that's over so soon should give you that much strength, curated by Mathijs van Geest, Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen
A puzzling light and moving. (Part I), lumber room, Portland, OR
All the stuff you already know, The Sunday Painter, London
I can't nail the days down, curated by Juliane Bischoff, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna
Swift little verbs pushing the big nouns around, Michael Lett, Auckland

Let me be the wind that pulls your hair, curated by Michelle Grabner, Artpace, San Antonio

Big Tree. Bird's Eye., Michael Lett, Auckland
Tuesday evening. Sunday afternoon. Stony Lake., Cooper Cole, Toronto
Make it bigger, deeper., The Poor Farm, Wisconsin

Two aspirins a vitamin C tablet and some baking soda, Laurel Doody, Los Angeles
Always humming, curated by Helen Hughes and Pip Wallis, Gertrude Contemporary, Melbourne
I memorized it I loved it so much, Laurel Gitlen, New York

Laura, Lucy, Mark and Felix, MODELAB, Wellington
I feel like a truck on a wet highway, Lulu, Mexico City
Tiny-but-adventurous, Rokeby, London

Maybe I won't go to sleep at all., curated by Anne-Claire Schmitz, La Loge, Brussels
Let the other thing in, curated by Nicolaus Schafhausen, Fogo Island Gallery, Newfoundland
What a day., Hopkinson Mossman, Auckland

All parts. All the time., Olive Street Garden and Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn in association with the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation and the International Studio & Curatorial Program, New York

I’m just like a pile of leaves, curated by Natasha Conland, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, Auckland (catalogue)
I’ll follow you down the road, Hopkinson Cundy, Auckland

Crawl out your window, curated by Janneke de Vries, Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst GAK, Bremen

Get off my garden, Sue Crockford Gallery, Auckland
Blow wind blow, Y3K Gallery, Melbourne


to carry, Sharjah Biennial 16, Kalba, Sharjah
There Is No Center, ROH, Jakarta

kinship, Kin, Brussels
Pratiques cosmomorphes - (Ré)générer le vivant, Institut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne
Reverse Archaeologies, Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney
Tessellations, Nicelle Beauchene Gallery, New York
The Way We Live, Cooper Cole at Conceptual Fine Arts, Milano
underfoot, curated by James Gatt, Te Uru, Auckland
Gravity Model, Cooper Cole, Toronto
The Fullness of the Seeming Void, Adams and Ollman, Portland, OR
Ephemeral Anchoring, curated by Reiko Setsuda, Maison Hermès, Le Forum, Tokyo

Our Ecology: Toward a Planetary Living, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo
Intimate confession is a project, curated by Jennifer Teets, Blaffer Art Museum, Houston
HOLLOW LEG, Laurel Gitlen, New York
The path guides the meaning, Rebecca Camacho Presents, San Francisco
Bucket List, Madragoa, Lisbon
Respiration, Cooper Cole, Toronto
Danse Céleste, Institut d’Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne, France

wiggling together, falling apart, Michael Lett, Auckland
Millefleurs, curated by Joël Riff, Moly-Sabata, Sablons, France
Carbonate of Copper, curated by Jennifer Teets, Artpace, San Antonio
Réclamer la Terre, curated by Daria de Beauvais, Palais de Tokyo, Paris

Take your chances with me, curated by Jamie Hanton, SCAPE Public Art, Ōtautahi Christchurch
Swallowing Geography, curated by Megan Tamati-Quennell, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth
The Flames: The Living Arts of Ceramics, curated by Anne Dressen, Musée d'art moderne de Paris
L'oeil du serpent, curated by Sébastien Faucon, Musée d'art contemporain de la Haute-Vienne, Rochechouart
La mer imaginaire, curated by Chris Sharp, Fondation Carmignac, Porquerolles
A Grain of Sand, The Sunday Painter, London
washed up, curated by Christine Nyce, Hessel Museum of Art, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY

As long as you want, two-person exhibition with Paul P., Michael Lett, Auckland
Higher! Higher! Lower, Lower. Louder! Louder! Softer, Softer, Shimmer, Rotterdam
Patterns 11, Anne Mosseri-Marlio Gallerie, curated by Michelle Grabner, Basel
Tiny Things, SEPTEMBER, Hudson, New York

There Are Exactly Four of Them, CIBRIÁN, San Sebastian
Motion & Motive, organized by Pamela Meredith, Susan Hobbs, Toronto
City Prince/sses, Palais de Tokyo, Paris
The Garden of Cyrus, Fortnight Institute, New York
Indus2, Art : Concept, Paris
Unexplained Parade, Catriona Jeffries, Vancouver
Notebook, curated by Joanne Greenbaum, 56 Henry, New York

Juliette Blightman, Parbhu Makan, Kate Newby, Henrik Olesen, Michael Lett, Auckland
Further Thoughts on Earthy Materials, curated by Janneke de Vries and Katja Schroeder, Kunsthaus Hamburg, Hamburg
Still Life, co-curated with Candice Madey, SEPTEMBER, Hudson, New York
It was literally the wreck of jewels and the crash of gems..., Nicelle Beauchene Gallery, New York
Dwelling Poetically: Mexico City, a case study, curated by Chris Sharp, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne (catalogue)
Superposition: Equilibrium & Engagement, 21st Biennale of Sydney, curated by Mami Kataoka, Cockatoo Island and the Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney (catalogue)
Ritual, Aspen Art Museum, Aspen

Appendix Toss, SORT, Vienna
Leotta/Newby, Madragoa, Lisbon
Belonging to a Place, An exhibition by Fogo Island Arts, curated by Nicolaus Schafhausen, Scrap Metal, Toronto (catalogue)
The Promise, curated by Axel Wieder, Index - The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Stockholm
In Practice: Material Deviance, curated by Alexis Wilkinson, SculptureCenter, New York (catalogue)
JADE BI, curated by Sara De Chiara, Galeria Madragoa, Lisbon

Exhibition by 31 Women, Philipp Pflug Contemporary, Frankfurt
A plot of land, Dutton, New York
Every day I make my way, Minerva, Sydney

Natural Flavor, curated by Vivien Trommer, Ludlow 38, New York
The Secret and Abiding Politics of Stones, curated by Chris Sharp, Casa del Lago, Mexico City (catalogue)
Homeful of Hands, Josh Lilley, London
Ordering Nature, Marianne Boesky, New York
Inside Outside Upside Down, curated by Natasha Conland, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki, Auckland
Parallel Oaxaca at Supplement London, Supplement, London
Lunch Poems, Hopkinson Mossman, Auckland
Where the trees line the water that falls asleep in the afternoon, curated by Chris Sharp, P420, Bologna
Inside the City, curated by Janneke de Vries, GAK Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen
NEW 15, curated by Matt Hinkley, Australian Centre for Contemporary Art, Melbourne (catalogue)
An Imprecise Science, curated by Alexie Glass-Kantor, Artspace, Sydney
Eraser, Laurel Gitlen, New York

The Promise, curated by Axel Wieder, Arnolfini, Bristol
On The Blue Shore of Silence, Tracy Williams Gallery, New York
Portmanteaux, Hopkinson Mossman, Auckland
Thin Air, Slopes, Melbourne
Lovers, curated by Martin Basher, Starkwhite, Auckland
Slip Cast, Dowse Museum, Lower Hutt

because the world is round it turns me on, curated by Clara Meister, Arratia Beer, Berlin
Mud and Water, Rokeby, London
The things we know, curated by Tim Saltarelli, Henningsen Gallery, Copenhagen
Between being and doing, Utopian Slumps, Melbourne

Crawl out your window, Walters Prize exhibition, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki, Auckland (catalogue)
Everyone knows this is nowhere, curated by Louise Menzies and Jon Bywater, castillo/corrales, Paris

Prospect: New Zealand Art Now, curated by Kate Montgomery, Wellington City Gallery, Wellington
Melanchotopia, curated by Nicolaus Schafhausen and Anne-Claire Schmitz, Witte de With, Rotterdam

Burnt house. A little later, Gambia Castle, Auckland
Bas Jan Ader: Suspended between Laughter and Tears, curated by Pilar Tompkins Rivas, Pitzer Art Galleries and Claremont Museum of Art, Los Angeles
post-Office, Artspace, Auckland
The sky a tree and a wall, collaboration with Fiona Connor, California Institute for the Arts, Los Angeles

The Future is Unwritten, curated by Laura Preston, The Adam Art Gallery, Wellington

Brussels Biennial 1, curated by Nicolaus Schafhausen and Florian Waldvogel, Brussels (catalogue)
Break: Towards a Public Realm, curated by Melanie Oliver, Govett-Brewster Art Gallery, New Plymouth
Let it be now, Christchurch Art Gallery, Christchurch
Hold Still, curated by Claire Doherty, One Day Sculpture, Auckland
Academy, TCB, Melbourne
Many directions, as much as possible, all over the country, 1301PE, Los Angeles


2015   Doctorate of Fine Art (DocFA), University of Auckland
2007   Masters of Fine Art (MFA), University of Auckland
2001   Bachelor of Fine Art (BFA), University of Auckland


2022   Ettore e Ines Fico Prize, Artissima, Milan
2021   Te Whare Hēra, Artist in Residence, Wellington
2019   The Joan Mitchell Foundation, 2019 Painters & Sculptors Grant
2017   The Chinati Foundation Artist in Residence, Marfa, TX
2017   Artpace, San Antonio, TX, curated by Michelle Grabner
2015   Gertrude Contemporary Art Spaces, Artist in Residence, Melbourne
2012–13   Fogo Island Arts, Artist in Residence, Newfoundland
2012   The Walters Prize, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki, Auckland
2012   International Studio & Curatorial Program ISCP, Artist in Residence, New York
2010   SOMA, Artist in Residence, Mexico City
2010   Banff Centre, Artist in Residence, Banff
2010   Künstlerhäuser, Artist in Residence, Worpswede, Germany


2021   “YES TOMORROW”, Adam Art Gallery Te Pātaka Toi, Wellington, with text by Christina Barton
2019   “Kate Newby, Pocket Works”, published by the lumber room with texts by Sara Jaffe, Jennifer Kabat, Sarah Miller Meigs, Eileen Myles, Sarah Sentilles, Stephanie Snyder and Kyle Dancewicz
2019   “I can’t nail the days down”, edited by Kunsthalle Wien and published by Sternberg Press, Berlin with texts by Christina Barton, Juliane Bischoff, Chris Kraus, and Nicolaus Schafhausen
2013   “Incredible feeling”, Clouds Publishing, Auckland with texts by Sarah Hopkinson, Chris Kraus, and Tahi Moore
2013   “Let the other thing in”, Fogo Island Arts and Sternberg Press, Berlin texts by Mami Kataoka, Jennifer Kabat, and Paul Dean


2018   “Nothing that's over so soon should give you that much strength”, Hordaland Kunstsenter, Bergen
2017   “Swift little verbs pushing the big nouns around”, The Chinati Foundation, Marfa
2017   “Let me be the wind that pulls your hair”, Artpace, San Antonio
2012   “I went from a 5 to a 7”, Fiona Connor and Kate Newby, Los Angeles
2011   “The sky, the wall and a tree”, Fiona Connor and Kate Newby, Gambia Castle Press, Auckland
2008   “Holding onto it only makes you sick”, Gambia Castle Press, Auckland
2007   “My Poetry”, for example, Auckland
2007   “Architecture for Specific People”, Gambia Castle Press, Auckland
2003   “Money for Nothing”, Artspace, Auckland

2023   Rachel Weinburg, "Beyond Site: An Interview with Kate Newby, " Union, Issue 3.
2023   Connie Brown, "Kate Newby: So close, come on" Art News Aotearoa.
2023   Lucinda Bennett, “Kate Newby, Michael Lett,” Artforum, May.
2022   Alex Bacon, “Kate Newby’s Phenomena,” published on the occasion of So close,come on, The Sunday Painter, London
2022   Jennifer Kabat “KATE NEWBY: We are such stuff,” published on the occasion of We are such stuff, Laurel Gitlen, New York City
2022   Jennifer Teets, “Try doing anything without it,” published on the occasion of Try doing anything without it, Art: Concept, Paris
2022   John Vincler, “Art That Rose Through the Cracks,” New York Times, October 9.
2022   Jennifer Teets, “Moonlight Over Texas,” Terremoto, CDMX 27.01.2022
2022   Jennifer Teets, “Try doing anything without it,” Art: Concept. April 25.
2021   Andrea Bell, “Don't do too much,” Ceramics New Zealand , Spring / Summer, volume 4 issue 2.
2021   Cameron Ah Loo-Matamua, “And Do I Care,” ArtNow, May 7.
2021   Jessica - Belle Greer, “Coming full circle,” Haven, issue June.
2021   Lachlan Taylor, “Shaper,” Art News, Autumn 2021.
2021   Sophie Davies, “Letting the Weather In,” Art New Zealand, Issue 178.
2021   Rosanna Albertini, “Kate Newby: As far as you can,” The Kite, July 19.
2020   Anna Gaissert, “Kate Newby at Feuilleton,” Artillery Magazine, July 16.
2020   Rosanna Albertini, “Kate Newby: As far as you can,“ The Kite, July
2020   Neha Kale, “Kate Newby: Small Gestures,” Vault, February, Issue 29 p52-57.
2019   Claudia Arozqueta, “Kate Newby’s “Bring Everyone,”” Art-Agenda, December
2019   Jon Raymond, “Kate Newby; lumber room,” Artforum, May.
2019   Chris Kraus, “Chris Kraus on learning to cope after the Brett Kavanaugh debacle,” Sleek Magazine, Berlin, March 20.
2019   Ross Simonini, “Kate Newby,” Art Review, January & February, p36–41.
2018   Chris Kraus, “Kate Newby’s Bones,” Social Practices, Semiotext(e)
2018   Sam Korman, “How to distribute your bricks and virtue,” published on the occasion of All the stuff you already know, The Sunday Painter, London
2018   Chloe Geoghegan, “Kate Newby: I can’t nail the days down,” Contemporary Hum, August 8.
2018   Chris Sharp, “Following Kate Newby down the road,” Mousse, 64, Summer
2018   Figgy Guyver, “Critic’s Guide to London: The Best Shows in Town,” Frieze, May 30.
2018   Vivien Trommer, “Highlight 5/12 - Kunsthalle Wien,” Cuba Paris
2018   Alexandra-Maria Toth, “Kate Newby: I Can’t Nail the Days Down,” PW-Magazine, September 4.
2018   Eloise Callister-Baker, “The Unmissables: Four Exhibitions to see in March,” Pantograph Punch
2018   Sue Gardiner, “The meaning of molecules,” Art News New Zealand, vol.38, no.2, Winter, p.92–94.
2018   Jon Bywater, “Evangelism & clay : The 21st Biennale of Sydney,” Art New Zealand, no.166, Winter 2018, p.72–75.
2017   Chris Kraus, “Splodges of Color,” Swift little verbs pushing the big nouns around (artist book essay)
2017   Neil Fauerso, “Artpace Spring Artist-in-Residence Exhibition,” Glasstire, April 3.
2017   Linnea West, “Phone tag: Interview with Kate Newby,” Phone Tag, April 23.
2016   Anthony Byrt, “Quiet wanderer: Kiwi sculptor Kate Newby,” Paperboy, November 30.
2016   Jennifer Kabat, “To Write About A Hole,” VQR, Fall, Volume 92, #4, October 3.
2016   Rosanna Albertini, “Kate Newby: don’t be all scared like before,” The Kite, March 25.
2015   Roberta Smith, “Kate Newby and Helen Johnson at Laurel Gitlen,” New York Times, July 17.
2015   Chris Sharp, “Kate Newby,” NEW15 (catalogue essay)
2015   Maura Edmond, “Kate Newby ‘Always humming,” Primer, August 13.
2015   Rosanna Albertini, Kate Newby: Silent Bricks,” The Kite, November
2015   Daniel Munn, “Life Lived Outside,” Le Roy 3
2015   Chris Sharp, “Eye of the Beholder,” Osmos, Issue 06, Summer.
2015   Kate Sutton, “Kate Newby; Laurel Doody,” Artforum, February, 246.
2014   Jennifer Kabat, “In Focus: Kate Newby,” Frieze, Issue 161, March 12.
2014   Francisco Goldman, “Mexico City Mix,” National Geographic Traveller, December/January, p14.
2014   Leslie Moody Castro, “Lulu, Mexico City,” Artforum online
2014   Matt Hanson, “Newby in Mexico City,” Eye Contact, September 12.
2014   Jennifer Kabat, “The Small Often Vague Things – Kate Newby’s Radically Slight Art,” The Weeklings, June 12.
2014   Hamish Coney, “Breakfast in America,” Content Magazine, November 5, 2014, p5–6.
2013   Mami Kataoka, “I like works when their condition as art is unclear,” in Kate Newby: Let the other thing in, Sternberg Press
2013   Jennifer Kabat, “It’s The Small Often Vague Things,” in Kate Newby: Let the other thing in, Sternberg Press
2013   Kay Burns, “Kate Newby: Let the Other Thing in,” C Magazine, Issue 120, Winter, p67–68.
2012   Julia Waite, “If not concrete then what? Kate Newby’s I’m just like a pile of leaves Archive,” Reading Room, Issue 5, July, p196–197.
2012   Sam Eichblatt, “Occupy Brooklyn,” Metro Magazine, Issue 363.
2012   Sue Gardiner, “Aspiring to the condition of architecture,” Artnews, Spring 2011.
2010   Jon Bywater, “Discreet Poetry: Kate Newby’s ‘Get off my garden’” (exhibition essay)
2009   Sue Gardiner, “You really had to be there!,” Artnews, Autumn
2008   Louise Menzies, “Kate Newby & Nick Austin,” Frieze online